Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Baked lemon herb salmon recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Baked lemon herb salmon
Baked lemon herb salmon

Before you jump to Baked lemon herb salmon recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Here Are Some Basic Explanations Why Consuming Apples Is Good.

More than likely you have heard that you should be eating an apple a day but did you ever ask yourself why this is actually important? This is something which many people live by and they also ensure their children are eating at least one apple a day. You will even find that people in other country’s also stick to this simple rule and they do not know why. In this post we are going to be taking a look at apples to see if they really are a food which will help to keep you healthy.

Now the question becomes, why are these vitamins and minerals so important? You may or may not be aware that apples may actually reduce risks of different cancers, and that is due to all the things in apples. A few of the cancers that apples will help prevent are breast, liver, lung and colon cancers. Just that one point should really be enough reason for every person to start eating apples.

To conclude, I guess an apple a day really can keep the doctor away and now you know why. The benefits we covered are only a few of the benefits that eating apples can offer. Every one of the benefits would take us too much time to include in this write-up, however the information is out there. So do yourself a favor and grab some apples the next time you go to supermarkets. You will notice that your overall health can tremendously be benefited by eating apples.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to baked lemon herb salmon recipe. You can cook baked lemon herb salmon using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Baked lemon herb salmon:
  1. Prepare 6-10 oz salmon filet (mine was 1 pound)
  2. Use 4 lemon slice
  3. You need 1 teaspoon cayane pepper
  4. Get 1 tablespoon lemon pepper
  5. Use 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  6. Use 1 teaspoon black pepper
  7. Provide 1 teaspoon salt
  8. Provide 3 teaspoon extra virgin Olive oil
  9. Use foil
  10. Take coconut/ Olive oil spray
Instructions to make Baked lemon herb salmon:
  1. Line flat baking sheet with foil. Spray with cooking spray
  2. Wash fish, pay dry with a paper towel.
  3. Place fish into a half size smaller foil liner.
  4. Mix seasonings with oil and coat the fish.
  5. Place lemons slices on top. Close foil like a pocket to keep steam in.
  6. Bake in oven on 350 for about 15 min checking periodically for doneness.
  7. More or less time depending on the size of the fish. Serve with side a fresh salad or roasted veggies!!!

If you find this Baked lemon herb salmon recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.